Debate: Health

This week’s debate was on health, which focused on three important themes including 1. Place (nonhuman/human approach on health, 2. Knowledge (old/new approaches to health) and 3. Action (small/big approaches to health). What is the best way to approach health?

Position one stated that “The natural way is the healthy way” with a strong endorsement of nonhuman place. They claimed that the only way to achieve health individually is by traditional healing practices. It focuses on not only physical healing but also emotional and spiritual well-being. Modern medicine fails to address spiritual contexts with the body, there are many other alternatives to modern medicine such as massage therapy, reiki healing, energy healing, acupuncture, herbal medicine and much more.

Position two claimed that “health comes from medicine, not green superstition” with a strong endorsement of knowledge. They argued that we need to look at the past instead of the future when it comes to health. Growing populations and diseases call for major effective measures, and modern medicine is that best solution for that. We should leave medical knowledge to licensed practitioners. In response to position one, the second team argued that not all people have access to “natural” alternatives, and that just because things are natural, does not make them better.

Position three’s argument was “justice will bring health for all” with the endorsement of large action. They believed that there should be fair treatment to all no matter what class or race. Natural vs. modern medicine doesn’t even matter if people don’t have access to either of them. They discussed current global health issues that are not being resolved, so there is not really a point to discuss new ways of addressing those issues when they are not even top priority.

Overall, position two had the strongest argument and evidence to back it up. In closing statements they claimed vaccines are more available than modern medicine, which is true. Instead of living your life from theories by going the natural way, it makes more sense to go to proven and effective way.

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